
Welcome to the Knight Family blog! I started this blog years ago, and I'm trying to do a better job at keeping it up! I post pictures and write short updates here and there to keep family and friends updated on what's happening in our lives. Sign up to "Follow by Email" and you will get automatic updates, or come visit when you have a chance!

July 3, 2013

The Cousins Are Here!

My little brother, Keith, got married on Saturday (see wedding post) and also that meant FAMILY REUNION TIME!  I have a big family, so it's usually loud and crazy in the rare moment that everyone is together in one place...but it's fun!  2 families arrived first and stayed at my parent's house about 2 hours away.  But they also spent a couple nights with us, so the "older" cousins got a chance to hang out.  We went to the drive-in and saw a double feature (8pm-1am), had a big pool party bash the next day (see separate post) and then went rollerskating aftwards.  We were all exahausted but had a great time!

Dad and his #2 and #3 (I will always be #1)

Emmer family (minus daddy and Kaya)

The Scoppas

Night at the Drive-in!

Ready for the movie


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