We've past the 2 week mark already! Haidyn is doing a great job adapting to life in the outside world. She is still a good sleeper and eater, and I'm hoping the trend continues :) At her last apppointment (a week ago) she was up to 7lbs 2.6 oz! She is still tiny but we can see noticeable changes since we've brought her home. She is really filling out and getting some of those baby fat rolls; her complexion is getting darker and her hair is also getting more wavy--I wonder how curly it will get!
Kealon continues to be a very loving and helpful big brother (how long will this last?). His new sister is still the first thing on his mind when he wakes up and when he comes home from daycare or from an outing with daddy. He has been asking lots of questions--wondering where Haidyn's teeth are, why she is "eating mommy's stomach", and why the baby is sleeping AGAIN! He even sat in the rocker one day, lifted his shirt up, and announced that it was his turn to feed the baby! I'm sure Kealon won't appreciate me sharing that with everyone once he's older :)
Over the past 2 weeks I've really tried to refrain from housework and lifting things other than the baby. It's hard to resist doing the laundry (ha ha), but I've been blessed to have such supportive family and friends around. Stetson has taken on many of the everyday housekeeping tasks and gets Kealon ready for bed and for school, all while juggling work and MBA classes. People from church have been sending meals, which has been a tremendous help--it's so nice to have one less thing to think about! And we've had lots of family and friends visiting who have given me a break from baby duties and some contact with the adult world. THANKS EVERYBODY!
Great pics!