I have some catching up to do with this blog! I never seem to have a chunk of time to actually sit and sort through pictures to post so I'm just going to post what I have on my phone right now!
For Christmas we had a great time with family and friends! For a few nights we had 12 people sleeping at our house and it was a lot if fun. I'm so glad we have more space now to be able to have people over! Here are pictures of Haidyn and Kealon with their best buds Catherine and Julian.

We also got to have a nice visit with Mee Mom and the kids were soooo excited to have her with us!
Haidyn loves to play board games and was very excited to open Candy Land on Christmas morning.
The weather was so nice and we went to manatees and haidyn even ran through the sprinkler in December.
We stayed in our neighborhood for New Year's Eve since there is always
a lot going on right here. Our friend Bob was here visiting and we also met neighbors at Park Square where there was food, a DJ and a fun photo booth. Then we all sat in the driveway and had a bonfire with s'mores and set off some fireworks!
Our big event in January has been Kealons ER visit! He was riding bikes and lost control and somehow got a big gash on his thigh. He needed 5 stitches and gets them out this week. He was really scared when he found out he needed stitches but did great through the whole thing. Meanwhile mommy had to leave the room before passing out! :).