Too much static, Aubrey?
Kealon and Andrew having fun at the park
Haidyn gets her 1st taste of Jersey pizza!

We are having a great time on our North East Tour :) We left on Sept 18 on a flight to Atlantic City, NJ. We spent over a week in NJ and Philly visiting lots of friends and family. Kealon had so much fun playing for hours with all of his cousins! On Sept 26 we started our drive to Canada. We were able to stop overnight to visit college friends in Rome, NY, and also made another stop in Watertown, NY, to have lunch with another college friend. Saturday afternoon we finally crossed the US/Canadian border and made it to Ottawa by the evening.
We are having a great time on our North East Tour :) We left on Sept 18 on a flight to Atlantic City, NJ. We spent over a week in NJ and Philly visiting lots of friends and family. Kealon had so much fun playing for hours with all of his cousins! On Sept 26 we started our drive to Canada. We were able to stop overnight to visit college friends in Rome, NY, and also made another stop in Watertown, NY, to have lunch with another college friend. Saturday afternoon we finally crossed the US/Canadian border and made it to Ottawa by the evening.
We will be visiting Stetson's sister Janine, Uncle Jan, Granddad (Dee-Dad), and other friends for the next week. On Oct 5 we begin the long drive back to Philly. We'll be flying back to Tampa on Oct 6. Although we are visiting so many people and driving all over the place, it's really been a relaxing trip. Because we took so much time off, we are able to take our time and actually enjoy ourselves and the people we are visiting with!
The kids have been really great on the trip! Kealon is getting to see and experience some things we don't have too much of in Florida...REAL PIZZA, a train system in a big city, mountains and huge boulders, the beautiful fall foliage, black squirrels, and (starting today) the cold weather! Haidyn seems to be having a lot of fun, as well! She has been laughing and smiling at everyone(especially at Kealon), doing some very loud and extensive babbling, and eating lots of different big people foods--white rice, basmati rice, hard boiled egg, pizza crust, toast, corn bread, avocado...She pretty much refuses to eat her baby food! I guess that isn't a big deal, but I want to make sure she's getting the nutrition she needs! At 6 months and 18 lbs, it sure does seem like she's eating enough :)
I'm going to post the NJ and Philly pictures now and then do another post later with pictures from Canada (since we still have a week left here!).