Haidyn is already four months old! The time is really flying by. We are so blessed to have 2 happy, healthy children! Haidyn is such a laid back baby. She is always smiling and making all of those cute baby noises during the times she is awake...except in the car where she still screams! And she is just so CUTE with all of those chubby rolls!
At her 4 month appointment she weighed a little over 15 lbs. She is already wearing her 6-9 mos clothes! We took a break from trying the cereal, since it didn't seem she was quite ready yet. When she turned 4 months, we tried it again and she enjoyed it much more than the first time. Since then, she has also tried roasted sweet potato, applesauce and sweet plantain. She really loved the sweet potato that I shared with her! Oh, and she finally decided to roll from her stomach to her back just before turning 4 mos.
Kealon is looking more like a little boy and less like my little baby every day :( He is still an affectionate little guy who hugs his friends and kisses anyone smaller than him! Sometimes the luvin' gets to be a bit much, though, and isn't always reciprocated! I wonder if he will ever "grow out" of that :) He also has a real love for animals, music, singing....and pirates!
Kealon has graduated into the 3-year-old class at school and was not too excited to leave the teacher and friends he has been with for the past year...although, he's only moved a few feet away! I can tell he will really learn a lot this year in his new class. He has already come home saying "Letter K! K-k-k...Kick! Kealon!" It's amazing how quickly kids can make connections and pick up on things at this early age.
And what about mommy and daddy? We are busy (who isn't?), but doing great! Stetson continues to work towards his MBA and is maintaining high averages in each class. In September he is participating in a prison ministry with our church to Angola State Prison during an annual child visitation day there.
I am trying to figure what I am doing this fall and for the rest of the school year! I am not going back to teaching this year, and I plan on tutoring very few children until Haidyn stops nursing. I am currently pursuing a part-time job with the Children's Ministry in our church, so we will see how that pans out!
I cannot believe how quickly this summer is going by! To everyone in NJ, remember we are coming to visit on Sept 18 and staying for about 10 days. Then we are driving up to Canada to visit more friends and family! (That should be an adventure!) Don't forget to click on the title of this post to see more pictures. You can also check us out on youtube: