So much has been happening since my last post! Haidyn is now crawling-she's getting faster every day! She is also waving hello and bye-bye, which is really cute. She has 8 teeth already! Her favorite "foods" are Cheerios and rice cakes. I've completely given up on baby food, except for the occasional attempt at baby cereal. Oh, the other day I found Haidyn standing up in her crib, so we had to lower the matress! She is trying to pull-up on anything she can reach. My little baby girl is growing way too quickly!
Kealon is really in to rhyming and telling us what letter different words start with! He's learning so much at his little school 3 days a week! He loves pretending, riding his bike, reading books, and playing with Haidyn (his "best friend"--he's so cute!). Right now Kealon's favorite "food" is probably a candy cane. He gets one from our neighbor EVERY DAY! Thanks, Maria and Aldo :)

I have been enjoying working part-time at our church. I'm getting to know so many different people through overseeing the Sunday preschool volunteers and other activities. Stetson is doing really well with his Masters courses and is now on vacation from work and school! It will be nice to have some family time together over the next 2 weeks.
Christmas is almost here and, of course, I still have some shopping to do. Luckily, Kealon somehow hasn't made the connection between Christmas and presents yet! We are taking advantage of that and going easy on the gifts for as long as we can :) We plan to stay in Florida this year for the holidays...Leah and Sarah are actually coming here after Christmas with their families! I see another Dinosaur World trip in our future!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!