As most of you know, we are expecting a new addition to our family this spring. The due date is March 31, and from the sonogram pictures we can see that the baby is a girl! I've had 2 sonograms so far (at 16 weeks and 20 weeks). The doctors say that baby is growing and developing normally.
Kealon is excited about having a new baby in the house. He talks to my stomach in a high-pitched voice and asks the baby to come out so he can hold her! We tell him that the baby is growing and will come out when she is big enough. That explanation seems to be good enough for him :)
Stetson felt the baby moving for the first time this week (at 21 weeks). I've been feeling her bumping around in there since about 14 weeks, which was a lot earlier than I was feeling Kealon...I hear that happens after your 1st pregnancy, though!
I'm feeling much better after a long first trimester. This little girl has given me lots of trouble already...from nausea to headaches to a rash on my face! I know it will all be worth it in just a few more months :)
More updates to come...